Saturday, September 17, 2011

So, It beigns....

Since as far back as I can remember I have wanted to create and understand. Understand all that has come before me and use that knowledge to create something new. I was blessed with a few things in life. I have a good family, great friends and enough passion to fill the grand canyon. My problem has always been motivation, that drive to take an idea and see blossom into something greater than even I had hoped it could be. I have friends who are far talented and more driven then I, at least this is what I believe. It has always been my goal to work along side them all in some capacity to create a network of avenues where we can all showcase our individual talents.

The four things I love are sports, comedy, comics and movies; the two things I am good at is generating content with my endless ability of gab and my passion for this new venture. I always have an opinion and I try to make it funny or insightful and at the very least informative. I want to write and discuss films, sporting events, things that make me laugh, things that frustrate me, comic books (new and old) and anything that strike my interest.

I have friends that have always inspired me but I just don't think I have ever equally inspired them in the past. I hope this changes soon with the launch of a new podcast and blog site of which I am the owner Co-founder and host of ( ). Along with my friend Troy we want to entertain ourselves our friends and anyone else along the way.

Here is my promise to you (the eventual viewer and listener). We will always be us... whatever that means to you... because we will change, as is evolution and adaption. We will do this as long as we can and the interwebs will have us. it is currently the 9/17/2011 11:57PM. as the cliche goes... tomorrow truly is the beginning of a brand new day... Please, God. Don't let us screw this up....