Saturday, November 19, 2011

Good People + Good Music= Awesome Night and Awesome show.

I always hate being the barer of bad news. To be that one who inevitably breaks your heart by revealing an unwanted truth that destroys your world perception. TandT fans... there is no Santa, there is no Easter Bunny and your favorite bands haven't always sold out arenas..

Every band has started out by paying their dues, as it were, by playing any venue that will have them. All to often they played for audiences that consisted of their family and friends as well as the other bands and their family and friends. I don't know about all of you, but there has been countless times that I have stood in complete awe of a band or performer on stage and wondered what would have it been like to have seen them in their early days, to watch the change in their sound back then to now, watch them rise from little to unknown opening acts to having their names written high up on marques and selling out the largest venues across the country. Oh what a feeling that would be to know that, in however small of a way, you were inherently a part of their eventual success simply by taking a chance on them before anyone else did.

This is exactly why we should support local music and venues. To witness art being created right before our eyes, to be present at the ground floor or the creation of something uniquely different and original. Something that 30 years from now we can look back fondly and see "I was there."

All that being said. I was in audience tonight for a local show here in Tucson, Arizona for some amazing up-and-coming bands. Their venue was off the beaten path at the Fraternal Order of Police Hall. A small but nice venue with full bar that was conveniently separated from the main performance hall so that you could step away from the music for a moment if needed. The show started off slow, in fact, myself and my guest were the only people in attendance that were not a member of another band for quite a while. That changed very soon after.

The first band to perform was The Gentlemen Scumbags who announced that were changing their name to No Radio effective as of November 19, 2011.

The Gentlemen Scumbags (No Radio)

I have to say, they won me over quick. They were one of those bands that you knew immediately loved music and playing it. Their sound is not one I can easily describe so I will let you judge for yourself. I was reminded of a early Blink 182, however. I mean that in the most complimentary way as possible. Their energy, their technique and their sense of humor was all top notch. You can listen to them free at their Facebook page through the link above. Out of the allotted  free tracks, I like Narcissists and Socialites as well as Virgo, however, they had a song that they performed live that knocked my socks off. Paying homage to one of the greatest american trio's off all time by performing Destiny's Child's Say My Name. If given the opportunity to see this Tucson trio perform, I suggest you jump on it. Remember, The Gentlemen Scumbags will be known hence forth as No Radio, so keep an ear open.

The Next band was Four Against One

Four Against One

I will be honest... During their first few songs I wasn't to thrilled. They had great energy, but I felt I was watching a group of guys playing separately from one another and not as a group. However! as their set progressed they started to win me over and pushed me over the "fan edge" in their favor when they coverd one of my favorite songs of all time, Say it Ain't So by Weezer. Joining them onstage were several concert goers and The Gentlemen Scumbags who joined in on the performance. I started off as not the biggest fan but was quickly converted. Their energy and fan interaction alone is worth seeing them live so make sure you check their facebook through the above link to keep tabs on their shows. 

The last band I saw was TandT favorite, The Zoo Incident.

The Zoo Incident

We spotlighted this Band in episode 7: Exterminate the Babies at or on iTunes by searching TandT Podcast! By the time of their performance people had started to file into the venue. I found out  shortly after their performance that this was their first live show and, my friends, they did not disappoint! I brought a friend along to enjoy the music with me and so that I would not be alone... Seconds into the first song she leaned in to tell me ".. wow. they sound really good!" and this was dispite the fact there was a loud feedback echoing through their equipment is they played. the feedback was only noticeable in between songs. In addtion to lead singer, Andrea Alaniz's uncanny voice that you would never believe came out of this tiny girls body, you have the smooth and captivating rifts from Guitarists, Alex Hamby. On bass was Chris Bikerdike who stood out in a night filled with very talented bassists. Lastly was Logan Mitchell on drums who sat the tone with intricate drumming that kept my feet moving the whole set. All in all, The Zoo Incident lived up to the very high expectations I had set for them. You can hear them for yourself at as well as buy their album for what you see fit... but don't be cheap... 

There was a final band who performed; however, I had to unfortunately leave before they took the stage. But! where I dropped the ball you can pick it up. The band was the Debased Eights, so if you hear of a show that includes them, check them out and let us know what you think or listen to them free at their facebook page through the provided link. 

Thank you to all the bands that performed for giving your audience an awesome experience and a show well worth the price! I, for one, can not wait to see any of them again perform live.

Tommy with The Zoo Incident after their show
November 18, 2011 at the FOP Hall Tucson, Arizona

-Tommy of TandT Podcast!
twitter: tandtpodcast
facebook and iTunes search TandT Podcast!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Exciting Stuff Coming Soon For TandT!

Howdy TandTanites!

So... as teased in the last few episodes, we have some awesome things coming up. First off, Thanks to all those who participated in our charity auction which raised nearly a 100$ for the American Cancer Society. Hey! It's better then nothing and besides, how much have you raised?.. Also, Don't forget to help others as we approach the holiday season, one think you can do is donate your time, money and especially your blood to your local American Red Cross. A single blood donation can be broken down to help 3 separate people and it takes an hour of your time. Be a hero, save a life.

...back to our big news...

We have been teasing merchandise from TandT and it is almost here, I have seen some of the rough sketches and drawings for their designs and Holy Cow! are they exciting! All done be local artists, printed locally and sold be a couple of local guys. So when you buy from us you get awesome apparel and you get to support a local business.

sweet art is coming your way too. The same artists that are designing those shirts are also doing some prints for sell as well. If you like original art that can help your pad, portfolio or print collection stand out you will need to check them out. again, amazing! and a lot more stuff in development.

for our community we are planning on arranging some local shows and events (not just our show recording). We want to help you see and support people far more talented then we and their craft(s).  Music shows, days in the park, charity sporting events to help raise money.

This little thing was started one night by "throwing our hat over the wall" or, in the parlance of Kevin Smith, "going where the puck is" has already exceeded my (our) wildest exceptions. 6 episodes in and we are rapidly approaching 1,000 downloads! all with no advertising or campaigning outside of social media and word of mouth. I was a self-described "lost" individual in regards to my place or station in life for a long time; I love film, I love music (despite Troy's claims) and love art and all that encompasses but never new how I fit into any of that. Then I discovered Podcasts like Smodcast, Tell'em Steve-Dave!, Nerdist, Hollywood Babble-On, WTF and so on; suddenly, I started to make sense of what I was supposed to do; I found the medium for my artistic outlet. All those shows I mentioned deserve full credit for inspiring me to pursue all this. Thank you, Kevin Smith and fam, Chris Hardwick and co, Marc Maron and cats...

biggest thank you of all goes to my co-host, Troy. If I hadn't met you this would all still be an idea. You do something that only a few others can, make me genuinely laugh.

getting a little bitch-like, I know. I just celebrated my Birthday on the 1st of November and for the first time in a long time I am perfectly happy with my spot in life... I could use some booty... :)

Keep checking back for updates, events, new shows, shirts, prints, mouth hugs from Troy, Josh will wash your car, I do windows... Just Keeping checking back!

-Tommy of TandT Podcast!
@thomaskeith51 on twitter

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

TandT Charities

So... as mentioned in our last show, A New Hope?, we have some big things in the works and some images to show you for our upcoming charity auction. 

These auctions will support the American Cancer Society . 

The first item we have for auction will be a signed copy of Zero Hour by the band Tongue Dried Sun's lead singer, Paul. 

also, there is  a copy of Versus the Mirror album Home that is signed by the bands Guitarist, Gabe Borquez.

For our comic book fans here is an Amazing Spider-Man #304 signed by artist Todd McFarlane. McFarlane is often credited with the artistic changes in Spider-Man that gives the character we know today; His limber poses, more detailed webbing and the creation of Spider-Man villain,Venom

The last item is a signed University of Arizona basketball. Signatures  include hall of famer Lute Olson, NBA players Mike Bibby and Jason Terry. Former NCAA Tournament MOP Miles Simon and more.

Now, I would like to share a photo and a story to help provide some perspective on why TandT is putting this auction and hopefully more in the future....

 This is a younger, Tommy. Hanging out with his cousin. Most people know their cousins but I was raised with mine to the point we were more recognized as being siblings. Often introducing eachother to people as brothers or sisters. The person behind me is my oldest cousin, Elizabeth (Liz). She was the antithesis of the "All-American Girl". Team Captain of her High School basketball team, cross country team, drum major of her schools marching band and some how found the time to also be her graduating classes salutatorian. After graduation she set off to achieve her dream of becoming a School Teacher by attending the University of Arizona where she was a proud member of the schools marching band. She played Tuba, simply because "you never see girls playing tuba."

During her time at the University of Arizona she also married her "high school sweetheart" and seemed to be on her way to her dream future. A journey which started with very humbled beginnings.

I will never forget the day she came over to my house to talk to my Mother (who, for all intents and purposes was her Mother as well). Liz had been taking a basketball class at school and being one who would never be outdone was a very physical player. So bruises were never an uncommon occurrence with Liz. Lately they had been taking longer to go away and eventually not going away at all.

After finally going to the Doctor at the request of her husband, in-laws and immediate family; Liz was given a diagnosis that changed the course of her life and all those around her.

I am 26 now, but the words that I heard my mother tearfully share with me when I was 10 still resonates with me everyday; "Tommy. Liz has Leukemia...". I still feel the hug she gave me. A hug only a Mother can give when she has a child that is hurting and sick and you have no way to make it better. Of all the moments in my life, that was perhaps among the most defining. It was a testament to the connection my Family once had. Even though we have all gone our separate ways, I know that many of us would drop everything if one of us were to be truly in need.

Liz, through her whole struggle, never truly complained, cursed her bad fortune or even felt sympathy for herself or asked for empathy by others. In fact, one of the only moments I truly remember her crying over her illness was when she was told she would never be able to donate blood with the American Red Cross again. That moment could not have been a more pristine example of the person she was. It was never about her. it was about those she could help, touch or inspire; most of the time she did all those things without even knowing it. She fought this cruel disease boldly and bravely. We were all be her side, even shaving our heads as a family so she wouldn't go through it alone.

Cancer is similar to a title fight. Often consisting of several rounds and all the drama that goes with it. You trade a few punches, who has the upper hand and sometimes you get your opponent on the ropes and have the victory in site.

Liz fought like a champ against her illness. Fought to the point where they found a donor for a bone morrow transplant. I have never met the person who was the angel that gave Liz that second chance at life; if I ever were too, she would feel the embrace that my mother gave me so many years ago. Cause she was as our angel in a time where hope was fading for everyone but Liz.

Liz did not waste her time after her transplant and finding out she was in remission. Getting up, going out working for her beloved American Red Cross. "Just cause you can't donate, doesn't mean you can 't do your part" I remember her saying to me once. She lived her life to the fullest in this time frame.

Like a title fight, however, having someone on the ropes is never a guarantee of victory. Liz's opponent fought back. Fought back with a vengeance. Her illness came back and attacked other parts of her body. I stayed many nights with Liz. Leaving school to go to the hospital, doing homework, sleeping then I would go home and shower and go back back to school  only redo the cycle again that night. I slowly watched her decline. Her body breaking down, her mind slowly fading and the spark in her eye that allowed her to fight this monster everyday eventually go out...

Elizabeth Pace-Hill left us Febuary 7, 1997; just two days after her 22nd birthday.

Even in death though, her spirit, inspiration and legacy was apparent. I have been a part of too many funerals in my life and I have never seen the turnout and love shown that day. The chapel, so full, many of the attendees had to wait patiently outside for their turn to pay respects. Former teachers, principals and classmates shared each others shoulder to cry on. friends of friends lined the walls, all sharing a moment that they shared with Liz. Away from the service she was honored as well; her basketball number hung for all to see and to inspire the players at her formal High School on to their victory. In her 22 years on this earth she touched and influnced so many lives that her true impact couldn't be appreciated until her all to early death.

Everyday that I attend the University of Arizona to complete my degree in History to one day teach, every moment that i worked at the American Red Cross to help recruit new and returning donors, every time one of us in her family proudly wear the number 51 that Liz loved so much and every time we doubt ourselves only to have that voice in the back of our heads that sounds strangely like Liz say "you can do it" are all unshakable testaments to the impacts she still has had on our lives. The likes of which are only seen once, if we are lucky, in a life time.

Liz's story is simply one of the many reasons that we at TandT Podcast! want to have these Auctions to raise money to combat this killer known as cancer.

I know this was a little "heavy" or "real" but it is a story that needed to be shared. With your winning Bids you get the gift of knowing that you are helping save someone like Liz and are getting really cool items that people are kindly enough to provide to help us out with these TandT charitable auctions.

When the Items are up on our eBay account we will notify you via Twitter (@tandtpodcast) or facebook ( and on our show now availiable on iTunes (!/id469999092)

Thanks, for reading and for your future bids.

you can support our show by subscribing on iTunes, following on Twitter and "Liking" on Facebook.


Tuesday, October 4, 2011

On iTunes!

That is it... we are on iTunes now. search "TandT Podcast", Download, Listen, Love and Repeat...

Saturday, September 17, 2011

So, It beigns....

Since as far back as I can remember I have wanted to create and understand. Understand all that has come before me and use that knowledge to create something new. I was blessed with a few things in life. I have a good family, great friends and enough passion to fill the grand canyon. My problem has always been motivation, that drive to take an idea and see blossom into something greater than even I had hoped it could be. I have friends who are far talented and more driven then I, at least this is what I believe. It has always been my goal to work along side them all in some capacity to create a network of avenues where we can all showcase our individual talents.

The four things I love are sports, comedy, comics and movies; the two things I am good at is generating content with my endless ability of gab and my passion for this new venture. I always have an opinion and I try to make it funny or insightful and at the very least informative. I want to write and discuss films, sporting events, things that make me laugh, things that frustrate me, comic books (new and old) and anything that strike my interest.

I have friends that have always inspired me but I just don't think I have ever equally inspired them in the past. I hope this changes soon with the launch of a new podcast and blog site of which I am the owner Co-founder and host of ( ). Along with my friend Troy we want to entertain ourselves our friends and anyone else along the way.

Here is my promise to you (the eventual viewer and listener). We will always be us... whatever that means to you... because we will change, as is evolution and adaption. We will do this as long as we can and the interwebs will have us. it is currently the 9/17/2011 11:57PM. as the cliche goes... tomorrow truly is the beginning of a brand new day... Please, God. Don't let us screw this up....