Thursday, November 3, 2011

Exciting Stuff Coming Soon For TandT!

Howdy TandTanites!

So... as teased in the last few episodes, we have some awesome things coming up. First off, Thanks to all those who participated in our charity auction which raised nearly a 100$ for the American Cancer Society. Hey! It's better then nothing and besides, how much have you raised?.. Also, Don't forget to help others as we approach the holiday season, one think you can do is donate your time, money and especially your blood to your local American Red Cross. A single blood donation can be broken down to help 3 separate people and it takes an hour of your time. Be a hero, save a life.

...back to our big news...

We have been teasing merchandise from TandT and it is almost here, I have seen some of the rough sketches and drawings for their designs and Holy Cow! are they exciting! All done be local artists, printed locally and sold be a couple of local guys. So when you buy from us you get awesome apparel and you get to support a local business.

sweet art is coming your way too. The same artists that are designing those shirts are also doing some prints for sell as well. If you like original art that can help your pad, portfolio or print collection stand out you will need to check them out. again, amazing! and a lot more stuff in development.

for our community we are planning on arranging some local shows and events (not just our show recording). We want to help you see and support people far more talented then we and their craft(s).  Music shows, days in the park, charity sporting events to help raise money.

This little thing was started one night by "throwing our hat over the wall" or, in the parlance of Kevin Smith, "going where the puck is" has already exceeded my (our) wildest exceptions. 6 episodes in and we are rapidly approaching 1,000 downloads! all with no advertising or campaigning outside of social media and word of mouth. I was a self-described "lost" individual in regards to my place or station in life for a long time; I love film, I love music (despite Troy's claims) and love art and all that encompasses but never new how I fit into any of that. Then I discovered Podcasts like Smodcast, Tell'em Steve-Dave!, Nerdist, Hollywood Babble-On, WTF and so on; suddenly, I started to make sense of what I was supposed to do; I found the medium for my artistic outlet. All those shows I mentioned deserve full credit for inspiring me to pursue all this. Thank you, Kevin Smith and fam, Chris Hardwick and co, Marc Maron and cats...

biggest thank you of all goes to my co-host, Troy. If I hadn't met you this would all still be an idea. You do something that only a few others can, make me genuinely laugh.

getting a little bitch-like, I know. I just celebrated my Birthday on the 1st of November and for the first time in a long time I am perfectly happy with my spot in life... I could use some booty... :)

Keep checking back for updates, events, new shows, shirts, prints, mouth hugs from Troy, Josh will wash your car, I do windows... Just Keeping checking back!

-Tommy of TandT Podcast!
@thomaskeith51 on twitter

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